Friday, January 30, 2009

Investire con Successo

Il prezzo oscilla. Il mercato azionario non e' una garanzia di andata e ritorno. Un conto bancario e' una garanzia di ritorno. Lei non sara' mai inferiore a tornare mettete nel vostro conto in banca. Certezza finisce lì. Il grafico postato e' un esempio di come a guardare ad un prezzo grafico. Non ci e' simbolo o tempo, che e' cio' che noi insegniamo perche' sono i principi e le verita' e le due cose non cambiano. Prezzo oltre i 50 MA e RSI> 50% e' il segnale di entrata. Non e' certo che il prezzo sara' alto, ma si puo' essere certi di cio' che si sta per fare. Si noti che mentre il prezzo oscilla in alto e in basso, non pensare a nulla, andare in Italia, andare al lavoro, e di essere il capo del vostro portafoglio!
La fermata perdita (stop loss) va sotto l'aumento del 50 MA. Quando ottenete l'esperienza, imparate di profittare. Non si preoccupi che cosa accade. Avete The 5050 Plan! un programma per profitto. La conoscenza e' potere e ora e' possibile investire con successo (Invest with Success).
What's 'UP' Doc?
Understanding ‘UP’ Is UP good?
Only if you already bought low. Remember that DOWN gives you a chance to buy low and be in for the next move UP. But if your stock is DOWN, you may be wondering, “What’s UP?” Stocks are UP, meaning to the moon or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in the morning, why do we wake UP? At a meeting, why does a topic come UP? Why do we trade UP and why are the officers UP for election and why is it UP to each trader to use a stop/loss? We call UP our friends, brighten UP a room, polish UP the silver, we warm UP the leftovers and clean UP a portfolio. We lock UP the house and some guys fix UP old cars. Now let's look in a different way; People stir UP trouble, put UP a chart, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite, and think UP excuses. To be dressed is one thing but to be dressed UP is special. Sometimes we see that the price is being bid UP, but if we hurry UP, we might mess UP the order and by the time it sets UP again, the volume might be dried UP. If you are biased to think UP is good and DOWN is not, try looking UP side DOWN. Stock market lore has it that what goes DOWN, can also go UP, or DOWN some more. Bulls and bears, UP and DOWN, prepare for the uncertain future by writing UP a trading plan. I could go on and on, but I'll wrap it UP, for now my time is UP. Time to for me to shut DOWN. I hope this cheered you UP and things will be looking UP! (or DOWN, as the case may be). -- Candy Schaap © Copyright 2006-2009 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pivots & Trendlines

Trend Master CD "Pivots and Trend lines, Read 'Em and Reap!" - Candy Schaap Pivots give objective information to manage risk, get direction right and profit bountifully. Order the CD and learn everything you need to know.

This is a 1.2 hour CD with 9 sections. The sections are as follows: I Introduction to structural pivots II Pivot Structure III Entries and Exits IV Trend Structure V Trend Revresals VI Drawing Trendlines VII Trend Strength VIII Trend Hierarchy and IX Risk & Reward

Downloadable Worksheet - Pivots and Trendlines

What our readers say, "I think that learning the material on the Trend Master DVD should be mandatory for anyone who is considering trading as a profession. It has been the only source that I've found that presents a concise, clear summary of the essentials for understanding price movement in the markets which is critical for trading. My conclusion is two thumbs up ... way up. Great job." Dr. Mike Storey oc

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Publicity, publishing etc.

I created my own publishing company - LLC and I have advertised with the World Book Expo. Sales have been great, libraries are buying ADXcellence and Invest with Success. It is gratifying. But what now? Where do I go? What do I do now? If you have any ideas, let me know.