Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pivots & Trendlines

Trend Master CD "Pivots and Trend lines, Read 'Em and Reap!" - Candy Schaap Pivots give objective information to manage risk, get direction right and profit bountifully. Order the CD and learn everything you need to know.

This is a 1.2 hour CD with 9 sections. The sections are as follows: I Introduction to structural pivots II Pivot Structure III Entries and Exits IV Trend Structure V Trend Revresals VI Drawing Trendlines VII Trend Strength VIII Trend Hierarchy and IX Risk & Reward

Downloadable Worksheet - Pivots and Trendlines

What our readers say, "I think that learning the material on the Trend Master DVD should be mandatory for anyone who is considering trading as a profession. It has been the only source that I've found that presents a concise, clear summary of the essentials for understanding price movement in the markets which is critical for trading. My conclusion is two thumbs up ... way up. Great job." Dr. Mike Storey oc

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