Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Emotion Struggle

Trading is so solitary. Chat rooms and CNBC are so irritating!
NO one learns for you - there is no information that will make you a better trader. There are trading principles that you learn , and then practice - that is how to become consistenly profitable. I find it so frustrating - the constant struggle to get good information out there. I am not sure what a blog is for - but I think talking about the iddues we deal with to get to trading might be a good topic.

One might know what to do - for example - ok, I am long above the 50 weekMA and stopped out udner - but how many people do what they know they should do. It is like driving - we KNOW we are supposed to stop at the STOP sign - but do we roll through? knowing what to do and doing it are two different things and the difference is the difference between profit and loss.

One can be right - or profitable - it is a choice.

Some guy called me up the other day - he wanted to argue that his pivots were better than my pivots. I had no idea what he was talking about. A pivot is a pivot. There is nothing to argue about. Stupidity is profound. Stupidity cannot be fixed.

To be a trader discipline, in fact, that may be the only requirement other than a plan. If a person made one rule for trading and then actually followed it - the chance of being profitable exceeds 50%. Instead, people make 25 rules for trading and follow none of them. I am continually frustrated!

Maybe this will be a great topic - I would love to know what it is that makes someone choose being right over being profitable.