Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Emotion Struggle

Trading is so solitary. Chat rooms and CNBC are so irritating!
NO one learns for you - there is no information that will make you a better trader. There are trading principles that you learn , and then practice - that is how to become consistenly profitable. I find it so frustrating - the constant struggle to get good information out there. I am not sure what a blog is for - but I think talking about the iddues we deal with to get to trading might be a good topic.

One might know what to do - for example - ok, I am long above the 50 weekMA and stopped out udner - but how many people do what they know they should do. It is like driving - we KNOW we are supposed to stop at the STOP sign - but do we roll through? knowing what to do and doing it are two different things and the difference is the difference between profit and loss.

One can be right - or profitable - it is a choice.

Some guy called me up the other day - he wanted to argue that his pivots were better than my pivots. I had no idea what he was talking about. A pivot is a pivot. There is nothing to argue about. Stupidity is profound. Stupidity cannot be fixed.

To be a trader discipline, in fact, that may be the only requirement other than a plan. If a person made one rule for trading and then actually followed it - the chance of being profitable exceeds 50%. Instead, people make 25 rules for trading and follow none of them. I am continually frustrated!

Maybe this will be a great topic - I would love to know what it is that makes someone choose being right over being profitable.

1 comment:

  1. Candy,

    Your post hits it on the mark.

    The comment that stupidity cannot be fixed is so true.

    In reading ADXcellence and now Invest with Success one cannot help to stop at the stop sign. Yes, discipline is key along with emotional control.

    I will take being profitable any day!

    R/ Sully
